Monday 24 October 2011

Going International!

Just a quick little update.

I'll be going to Dublin in the early, EARLY hours of tomorrow morning. 'Games-wise' I should be going to the FA Cup game in Dover, but of course i'll miss it (Thank God).

So to fill my football hunger i'll be taking in a League of Ireland game at Shamrock Rovers. They play the 'Bath City' of the LOI, Galway United. Who currently sit rock bottom of the table with just 6 whole points. Shamrock on the hand, will be champions if they beat UCD away tonight. So it could be an absolute whitewash and a party atmosphere to boot!

The Tallaght Stadium.

Shamrock Ultras!

Shamrock score againt Spurs in the Europa League.

Oh another thing too. It cost just 15 Euros for an adult ticket! For a team thats in the Europa League and the reigning LOI Champions, it's an absolute bargain! In fact it's cheaper to watch Shamrock than it is Bath City.

So keep an eye out on my twitter feed as i'll be posting pictures and ongoings throughout the match against.!/Reedyy3

Come on the hoops!

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